.... The simple, but radical truth is that the center is the Now, not your ordinary sense of yourself, not what you mean when you think, or say “me” or “I.” Who you really are does not start with your beliefs about yourself, nor what you are feeling. It does not begin with someone else who you have made critically important to your happiness, or with anything else, such as money or your job. You do not begin in your past, nor arrive at yourself in the future. Who you really are begins right now in timeless, non-reactive awareness that can see any and all of that.
It is the power of this deeper awareness that can set you free. Your life will always go off-course and lead you into suffering if you do not learn to start each moment from your deeper awareness. How can you expect love to thrive in your relationships if your mind is in the past comparing what you are experiencing to what you have already lived, or in the future fearing that the present relationship will not be as good as what you remember, or that it might even be worse?
all need a compass, something to steer our lives by, a consistent place
to start from when we are facing anything life may bring. Grasping the
potential to return the mind to the Now is key to the Mandala Work. The Now
is the starting and ending point of every inquiry. It is crucial that
you remember, and repeat to yourself again and again: “Who I really am
begins Now.” This fundamental truth is the most empowering thing you can ever learn. -- Richard Moss, The Mandala of Being
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