Recall that Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian shamanic technique. Here, in this interview, Don Jose Luis Ruiz (who is Don Miguel Ruiz' son) describes some shamanic beliefs that relate to Ho'oponoono as well. I climbed up the Temple of the Sun (Teotihuacan, Mexico City) with Don Jose Ruiz in November 2003 (Don Miguel was there too).
We are clearing the mirror, and ho'oponopono is a technique for stalking the smudges in the mirror, so to speak. These smudges tend to take us (in my experience) through re-runs and loop-de-loops, rather than movement through evolutionary (and magical!) experiences.
Yet even that cleaning up is sort of a mirage effect, just to make our everyday lives dreamier and nicer than say, a nightmare--as no image in the mirror can mar or enhance the mirror Itself--which is actually what you are, a.k.a. the Dreamer. Recall when you sleep at night, you are also each of the dream figures, the dreamscape, the storyline, etc as it arises and falls away all in your Mind; although all being said most people prefer their dreaming, as non-real as it ultimately is, to not be an excrutiating, painful, hell-ride.
This interview was conducted by Julia Griffen, and the entire interview (excerpt below) is here at The Spirit of Ma'at site:
Don José: Dreaming is a big Being, and we are married to Dreaming. All of life is a dream.
We are a walking mirror. God is a mirror — everything we think, feel, or believe is reflected back to us through this great mirror that is life.
The world is a mirror that reflects back to us all that we believe. The world does not create what we are experiencing. We do that. We create our beliefs, and the mirror of God reflects them back to us.
God can send us only love and beauty. We create the distortions in this mirror of our life that is so short — and so beautiful.
. . . .
Julia: A shaman said that he used stalking in dreaming to find the weaknesses in his consciousness. How is the art of stalking used in Toltec dreaming?
Don José: Stalking is used in dreaming to find the mental and emotional images that prevent us from being free.
When we dream, we must learn to discover in our dreams the forms or energies that limit us. They may repeatedly take the same form, or they may take different forms. They may appear in many different dreams, or just one dream that reoccurs.
We must dream with the purpose of stalking, to try to stalk who is within ourselves and see what our beliefs are.
We primarily stalk two things in dreaming: thinking (what is in the head) and heartbreak.
By heartbreak, I mean the incredible pain we feel from the terrible things that have happened to us. When we feel the pain of heartbreak, we close off parts of ourselves. In some way, we stop living. If the same situation comes up again, we say, "Oh, no, I won't let myself be hurt again!"
But this is no way to live. Life is so short and so incredibly beautiful. It is such a gift. You must forgive yourself for experiencing heartbreak. You must love the heartbreak in your life, because it is part of living. Most importantly, you must create a better dream.
We also stalk to find the thoughts that keep us chained in "reality." These thoughts that we think so many times limit us. If we can identify these limiting thoughts, we can pull the energy back from their mental patterns and create anew.
It is so important to take back these lost energies and share with the world the gifts given to us from the angels and God. Heartbreak and limiting thoughts are like a cage. They keep us caged, imprisoned, in the three-dimensional world. The cage is created from the fear of being the Self, of being authentic.
Lies and fears about our Self are the forces that keep us in the cage — and they are not real. We must reclaim the key to our cage by pulling the energy back from our thoughts and our heartbreak. In this way, we become free.
Stalking in dreaming can be compared to opening gates. If a state of mind or heartbreak has been identified in dreaming, then we find the opening point of the wound, or the judgment, and we go in our memory to the point just before it occurred. When we remember the time before the memory occurred, we find a closing point for the wound — and then we go a little further back in time, so we can avoid returning to the wound.
Now we can see an entirely different world, or movie. We have created a better dream.
It is possible to use this technique to open a gate and see a different view.
wow nice post
Posted by: source | 03/29/2013 at 05:29 AM