A friend scanned and sent me the Reintroduction to the latest edition to Invisible Monsters (named Invisible Monsters Remix) written by Chuck Palahniuk. Palahniuk explains how he was finally able to release Invisible Monsters in the experimental, nonlinear format he originally envisioned.
The initial published edition was "hammered" to fit the mold of The Way Things Are (in that case, within known and trodden The Publishing World). Palahniuk explains:
"Back then, neither Monica or I had been published. We didn't want to make trouble. We just wanted for people to love us.
So I hammered the story into a nice, smooth, straight line. I threw out the magic."
I replied to my friend: Happens so often: we throw out the magic to conform.
Well worth reading the entire Reintroduction where Chuck Palahniuk explains his storytelling vision for the new release. I've included the scanned pages below:
Download Invisible-monsters-remix-1
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