I was doing what I could with what I had where I was. -- Bob Dylan
What Dylan replied when asked about the secret to his success.
That may be paraphrased as I had to jot it down quickly as I was passing through the casino mall. The point is it's exactly what I needed to hear today.
Drain my energy on whining about what I don't have, and who I can't afford to hire, and the imperfect conditions I'm in for inspiration to work, or whatever. Sure, been there done that. Or--I can do what I can with what I have right now.
Above is an example of a public post I shared on Google+. They're shorter and tend to share a singular point rather my rambling shares over here. Note, if you check it out now, that I only be sharing about 30% publicly, the rest are private circles, including one circle (my largest, and hopefully the most active) I've set aside just for creative folks like you that visit here.
If you need a Google+ invite, please leave your name in comments below and I'll send you one, and add you to the fun and mystery-laden blog circle for everyone here.
The prime reason I'm keen on Google+ is it has features designed for interactivity in a way that a blog and/or an email newsletter is not. As Greg Christopher shares, "Google+ is a Salon in the old French style. It is a gathering place for people with something to say. People with opinions and a desire to interact with others. People who don't care that their grandma had cereal for breakfast before planting her farm on Farmville, as much as they care about connecting with other passionate people with something to say. It is a place where ideas have sex, to borrow from Matt Ridley. Where someone who is a Star Wars geek can talk to other Star Wars geeks. Where artists, journalists, philosophers, geeks, and freaks of all types can find their home. Where you can find your own community and talk to each other about precisely what you want to talk about."
So Crossroads Dispatches is more like the stage, and our private Google+ circle is more like the lobby... where connections and conversations actually happen informally.
p.s. I've also shifted the monthly subscription that deeply peers into the magic of our life with fellow peers and adventurers, Encanto, entirely over to a private Google+ (previously it was a private blog). There's currently a special for new Encanto subscribers where first trial month is only $12. Check out sample Encanto correspondence (from when 'twas bloggy).
ART CREDITS: Bob Dylan's album cover for The Basement Tapes; Anselmo Bucci's painting of La Coupole, Paris.
Need an invite from you to join Google+
Jim Colby
Thank you,
Jim Colby
Posted by: James E. Colby | Aug 18, 2011 at 07:11 AM
I'd love an invite from you to join Google+
Thanks and enjoyed your post as always!
Posted by: marissa mullins | Aug 18, 2011 at 05:06 PM
Hi Jim and Marissa, I've invited you to Google+ and to the blog circle. Welcome!
Also, if you sent private email, you should also have been invited by now as well. Welcome as well.
If you would like to be invited, you will be prompted to add an email address when you leave a comment. It is only viewable to myself, and is private--and that is the email I will use to sign you up on the new Google+ social network.
You will receive the invitation in your email inbox.
I've plenty more invites to hand out if you'd like to join--leave your EMAIL (and FIRST NAME at least will do) to send the invite.
Posted by: Evelyn Rodriguez | Aug 20, 2011 at 02:36 AM
I really miss reading your blog, Kindly send me an invite to Google+. Thanks.
Posted by: Doaa Akram | Aug 22, 2011 at 02:58 AM
Hi Evelyn,
tks for the excellent pieces u write here. plz do send me a Google+ invite.
Take Care,
Posted by: Shaji.K | Sep 07, 2011 at 07:54 AM
I'd love an invite to Google+. I enjoy your posts.
Posted by: Renee | Sep 09, 2011 at 07:42 PM