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Apr 05, 2006



"...Come on, it's not even yours. It seems absurd to price the divinely inspired. The Muse speaks and we're to market It?..."

I've spent years and a small fortune developing my music. Enhancing whatever ability I have to respond to 'divine inspiration'. In the real world I live in, with a responsibility to children and spouse, I can not invest in developing and finding an audience for whatever I do without compensation. Sure, when the started, Kerouac and Ginsberg might have been poor. Me too. They didn't end up that way.


I was googling "dispatches from the world of duh"

and ran into your post "Purpose Driven Marketing: Duh, Starts With Purpose"

So I blogrolled you.

I look forward to enjoying your blog


Evelyn Rodriguez

Hi David, Thanks for sharing your story. I was searching for an image of Kerouac drinking coffee and found none. I did find a a quote from another book citing that Jack didn't even have enough money to buy a coffee on one of his dates. Anyway, I'm taking this in the direction that the "process" of finding and reaching an audience can also be inspired. If we keep on going, eventually every movement we make is divinely inspired spontaneous action.

Thanks Scott for joining. Synchronicity. I'm including Purpose Driven Church in the Reading List as Mr. Warren understood surfing the Tao well.

great link buildng

st7l6B Great, thanks for sharing this post.

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