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Jan 31, 2005


Jory Des Jardins

I love the left hemisphere/right hemisphere argument. I prefer to say it this way, it's a new day for the people with soft skills. And you said it beautifully here and at NewComm: people will have to unlearn the formality they took years to get right on the press release.


I just love this post. It gives me hope that what I've been struggling towards after too many traumatic changes, after giving up the law when I couldn't stay awake, may just lie ahead in the not too distant future. And the Anais Nin quote has always been one of my favorites

Jon Husband

Telles reflections bien pensees ! zut, alors ...

Hey, evelyn .. have you by any chance ever read the book Digital Aboriginals

For some reason this post reminded me of it ... the style of the book was a bit breezy, but the content generally coherent and consistent ... what really interested me were/are their day-long immersive experiences. I almost went once (to one in the Seattle Art Museum), but couldn't afford it.

Evelyn Rodriguez

Jory, Unlearning is actually quite liberating, but that's another can of worms. Just for the record, I don't advocate left OR right, but integrating both.

Jille, I wish most change wasn't foisted upon us, but unfortunately (I'm particularly stubborn I suppose) I found that usually did the trick for me even though it was quite painful. (One day I will share more of my story in a book form.) Not only did I recover but it steered me right smack in the direction of my purpose, (which I had been running from previously).

John, Yes I have - I like the book very much.

And folks whose names don't start with J can comment as well...


I love your blog, your posts. Just one wee complaint: I often find myself saying "huh" when you make a big intellectual leap from one point to another. I know I'm not as smart as you and I hate feeling dumb reading your posts trying desperately to understand what's been left out. Perhaps when you're writing you could think about putting more of the stuff in that you leave out, leave unsaid for people like me who need a little more help reading between the lines. Thank you and keep up the great work.



Great insights. I loved the Wired article. Saw it mentioned on TP's blog, then followed your link over here. Pink also had a great article in the Harvard Business Review (The MFA is the New MBA). Maybe I love his work just because it is reassuring that I'm on the right track.

I love this statement in your additional comment, "Not only did I recover but it steered me right smack in the direction of my purpose, (which I had been running from previously"

Two books that really helped me "run smack into" the direction of my purpose are "Orbiting the Giant Hairball" By Gordon MacKenzie and "The Gift of Being Yourself" by David Benner. Great reads.


Mr. Pink's conclusion is at most wishful on his part. I wish his argument were more left-brain endowed...

According to the author, today we offshore/automate left-brain type of work, yet what makes he think we won't offshore/automate the right-brain type of work tomorrow? And, in a couple of days, we'll outscource all thinking. Bankruptcy is in the sight...

Evelyn Rodriguez

fCh - I agree and said something similar earlier (I'll dig up post in a sec). In fact, those in the East may be actually be much better at integrating the left and right brain from centuries of philsophical inclinations in that direction.

I just got a galley proof of A Whole New Mind so we'll see where Pink takes his argument. I doubt the book is about the U.S. as a competitive entity as a whole. Rather the focus is on an individual level - how do you become 'un-commoditizable' (I think I made that up) and flexibly thrive no matter where the markets head? You never want to be in a position where the only variable is price - that's the definition of a commodity. And most right brain stuff is hard to commoditize.

Post I mentioned above:

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