This is an absolute must-read by Halley Suit in Worthwhile Magazine. What an illustration of the power of holding a vision for others! This is true leadership -- where one can see the highest potential in others and the "tree inherent in the seed".
I hate to even quote any of it here as the whole piece is a powerful story. Go read it! Below is a crucial reason to why the children excelled. Even if they didn't believe in themselves, someone did. Halley's certainty in their gifts gave them the spark, the catalyst to start believing it themselves.
...especially as they were the kids all the other teachers had given up on. I assumed the contrary, that they were gifted in many ways and would ace reading and writing sooner or later.
This statement from Richard Florida also echoes in my mind: core message is that human creativity is the ultimate source of economic growth. Every single person is creative in some way. And to fully tap and harness that creativity we must be tolerant, diverse, and inclusive.
Thanks for the recommendation! Very good reading material. Keep up the good work. :)
Posted by: Jess | Mar 12, 2007 at 04:14 PM